
3D rendering engine using JavaScript as user script.

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For a quick walkthrough of what can be done in a Three.V8 user script, see Features.

For details of the APIs that enable the features, see below.

Three.V8 User Script APIs

The user script APIs consist of

Engine Classes (3D)

Class Name Description
Image Represents an image that resides in CPU memory.
CubeImage Represents a cubemap image that resides in CPU memory.
DDSImage Represents a dds-image that resides in CPU memory.
HDRImage Represents a HDR image that resides in CPU memory.
HDRCubeImage Represents a HDR cubemap image that resides in CPU memory.
Object3D Base class of all 3D objects visible to user script.
Camera Base class for cameras.
PerspectiveCamera Perspective camera
Reflector Planar reflector.
Backround Abstract class for all backgrounds
ColorBackground A background that has a monotone color.
CubeBackground A background using a CubeMap.
HemisphereBackground A background that has a sky color and a ground color.
BackgroundScene Use another scene as background.
Light Abstract class for all direct lights.
DirectionalLight A light that gets emitted in a specific direction.
IndirectLight Abstract class for all indirect lights
EnvironmentMap Image based indirect light
EnvironmentMapCreator Cube-map filter that generates environmaps
AmbientLight Uniform indirect light
HemisphereLight Gradient indirect light
ProbeGrid An uniform grid of light-probes
LODProbeGrid A mixed resolution grid of light-probes
SimpleModel A Model containing a single simple geometry
GLTFModel A Model that has a GLTF style internal structure.
AnimationMixer Utility for linear blending of animation clips.
Scene 3D Object collection for rendering
Fog Represents the particle substance in the air
GLRenderer Manages rendering routines, including shaders
GLRenderTarget An off-screen render target.
CubeRenderTarget A cubemap render target.
BoundingVolumeHierarchy Acceleration structure for ray-casting.
GamePlayer Wrapper for the host GamePlayer object.
FileLoader Provides a few interfaces to loading local files.
ImageLoader Provides a few interfaces to load images.
DDSImageLoader Provides a few interfaces to load dds-images.
HDRImageLoader Provides a few interfaces to load HDR images.
GLTFLoader Provides a few interfaces to load GLTF models.
ProbeGridLoader Provides a few interfaces to load probe-grids.
LODProbeGridLoader Provides a few interfaces to load lod-probe-grids.
Text Provides a few interfaces for text conversion.

Engine Classes (Network)

Class Name Description
HttpClient Provides a few interfaces to make HTTP requests.
WSClient Maintains a websocket connection at the client side.

Engine Classes (GUI)

Class Name Description
UIManager Manages UIArea objects.
UIArea Manages UIElement objects and UI3DViewer objects.
UIElement Abstract base class of all ui-elements.
UIBlock Base class for all ui-elements containing other ui-elements.
UIPanel A visible ui-block.
UIButton A clickable ui-block.
UIScrollViewer A scrollable ui-block.
UIImage Image element in a UI.
UIText Non-editable text element in a UI.
UITextBlock Non-editable multi-lined text element in a UI.
UILineEdit Editable text box in a UI.
UI3DViewer Object for embedding a 3D view in a UI.
UIDraggable A draggable ui-panel.

Engine Classes (Multimedia)

Class Name Description
MMCamera Represents an image source from a web-camera.
MMLazyVideo Represents an image source from a video-file.
MMVideo Represents a background video-file player.
MMAudio Represents a background audio-file player.
OpusRecorder Record from an audio device and encode as a raw opus stream.
OpusPlayer Play back a raw opus stream.
AVCRecorder Record from a video device and encode as a raw AVC stream.
AVCPlayer Play back a raw AVC stream.

Global Functions

These are functions that can be called directly in user script.

Function Name Description
print() Print strings to stdout
setCallback() Register a callback function.
now() Current time in milliseconds.
getGLError() Get the last OpenGL error code for debugging.
getListOfCameras() Get a list of camera device names.
getListOfAudioPlaybackDevices() Get a list of audio playback device names.


print(text1: String, text2: String, …): undefined

Print strings to stdout separated by spaces. Objects are not stringified automatically. To do that you need JSON.stringify().


setCallback(name: String, callback: Function): undefined

Register a callback function.


name: one of the names listed in Callback Functions.

callback: function accessable from script, or lambda.


now(): Number

Current time in milliseconds.


getGLError(): Number

Get the last OpenGL error code for debugging.


getListOfCameras(): Array

Get a list of camera device names.


getListOfAudioPlaybackDevices(): Array

Get a list of audio playback device names.

Global Objects

These are engine class singletons that can be used directly in user script.

Object Name Description
gamePlayer Instance of GamePlayer.
fileLoader Instance of FileLoader.
imageLoader Instance of ImageLoader.
DDSImageLoader Instance of DDSImageLoader.
HDRImageLoader Instance of HDRImageLoader.
gltfLoader Instance of GLTFLoader.
probeGridLoader Instance of ProbeGridLoader.
LODProbeGridLoader Instance of LODProbeGridLoader.
text Instance of Text
http Instance of HttpClient.
UIManager Instance of UIManager.

Callback Functions

User scripts are event driven programs. Callback functions need to be registered in the global scope by calling setCallback.

The host program calls these functions at specific events according to their names.

The following callback functions are called by the default “GamePlayer”.

Mouse callbacks are specific to desktop while touch callbacks are specific to mobile devices.

Callback name Description
init() Called immediately after loading the script.
dispose() Called before unloading the script.
render() Called when rendering a video frame.
OnMouseDown() Called when mouse button is pressed down.
OnMouseUp() Called when mouse button is up.
OnMouseMove() Called when mouse pointer is moved.
OnMouseWheel() Called when mouse wheel is moved.
OnTouchDown() Called when user touches screen.
OnTouchUp() Called when user stops touching screen.
OnTouchMove() Called when user moves on touch screen.


init(width: Number, height: Number): undefined

Called immediately after loading the script.


width: width of the container window.

height: height of the container window.


dispose(): undefined

Called before unloading the script.


render(width: Number, height: Number, sizeChanged: Boolean): undefined

Called when rendering a video frame.


width: width of the container window.

height: height of the container window.

sizeChanged: if size of windows has changed.


OnMouseDown(e: Object): undefined

Called when mouse button is pressed down.


e: has the following properties:

e.x: Number

x coordinate of mouse pointer

e.y: Number

y coordinate of mouse pointer Number

wheel delta

e.button: Number

0 = Left Button

1 = Middle Button

2 = Right Button

3 = XButton1

4 = XButton2


OnMouseUp(e: Object): undefined

Called when mouse button is up.

The parameter e has the same structure as in OnMouseDown()


OnMouseMove(e: Object): undefined

Called when mouse pointer is moved.

The parameter e has the same structure as in OnMouseDown()


OnMouseWheel(e: Object): undefined

Called when mouse wheel is moved.

The parameter e has the same structure as in OnMouseDown()


OnTouchDown(e: Object): undefined

Called when user touches screen.


e: has the following properties:

pointerId: Number

Identifier for distinguishing multiple touch points.

x: number

x coordinate of touch point.

y: number

y coordinate of touch point.


OnTouchUp(e: Object): undefined

Called when user stops touching screen.

The parameter e has the same structure as in OnTouchDown()


OnTouchMove(e: Object): undefined

Called when user moves on touch screen.

The parameter e has the same structure as in OnTouchDown()