
3D rendering engine using JavaScript as user script.

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class UI3DViewer

Object for embedding a 3D view in a UI.

class UI3DViewer

Name Description
UI3DViewer() Creates a new UI3DViewer.
block The block element to which this ui-3dviewer belongs.
origin A Vector2 representing the ui-3dviewer’s position.
size A Vector2 representing the ui-3dviewer’s size.
onRender Callback function triggered by UIManager during UI rendering.
onMouseDown Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.
onMouseUp Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.
onMouseMove Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.
onMouseWheel Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.
onTouchDown Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.
onTouchUp Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.
onTouchMove Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.
dispose() Dispose the unmanaged resource.
getOrigin() Get the value of .origin
setOrigin() Set the value of .origin
getSize() Get the value of .size
setSize() Set the value of .size




Creates a new UI3DViewer.



.block: UIBlock

The block element to which this ui-3dviewer belongs.

When there is a valid block element, this ui-3dviewer is translated and clipped according the its block element.

Readable and writable.

Default is null.


.origin: Object

A Vector2 representing the ui-3dviewer’s position.

Read-only. Use method setOrigin() to modify this property.

Default is {x: 0, y: 0}.


.onRender: Function

Callback function triggered by UIManager during UI rendering.

Signature: onRender(width: Number, height: Number, size_changed: Boolean):undefined

Readable and writable.

Default is null.


.onMouseDown: Function

Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.

Signature: onMouseDown(e: Object): undefined

The parameter e has the same structure as in the global callback OnMouseDown()

Readable and writable.

Default is null.


.onMouseUp: Function

Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.

Signature: onMouseUp(e: Object): undefined

The parameter e has the same structure as in the global callback OnMouseDown()

Readable and writable.

Default is null.


.onMouseMove: Function

Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.

Signature: onMouseMove(e: Object): undefined

The parameter e has the same structure as in the global callback OnMouseDown()

Readable and writable.

Default is null.


.onMouseWheel: Function

Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.

Signature: onMouseWheel(e: Object): undefined

The parameter e has the same structure as in the global callback OnMouseDown()

Readable and writable.

Default is null.


.onTouchDown: Function

Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.

Signature: onTouchDown(e: Object): undefined

The parameter e has the same structure as in the global callback OnTouchDown()

Readable and writable.

Default is null.


.onTouchUp: Function

Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.

Signature: onTouchUp(e: Object): undefined

The parameter e has the same structure as in the global callback OnTouchDown()

Readable and writable.

Default is null.


.onTouchMove: Function

Callback function passed by UIManager during UI input handling.

Signature: onTouchMove(e: Object): undefined

The parameter e has the same structure as in the global callback OnTouchDown()

Readable and writable.

Default is null.



.dispose(): undefined

Dispose the unmanaged resource.


.getOrigin(vector: Vector2): Vector2

Copy the value of .origin into vector.


.setOrigin(vector: Vector2): undefined

Set the value of .origin according to vector.

.setOrigin(x: Number, y: Number ): undefined

Set the value of .origin according to the x, y coordinates.


.getSize(vector: Vector2): Vector2

Copy the value of .size into vector.


.setSize(vector: Vector2): undefined

Set the value of .size according to vector.

.setSize(x: Number, y: Number ): undefined

Set the value of .size according to the x, y coordinates.