Some Rubic’s Cube Notes
- A script for generating the illustrations.
- Gan’s CFOP: A quite old version of Gan’s CFOP, remade.
- Fei’s Modified CFOP
- Reconstruction Maintenance Test: On Speedsolving, I see there’s abunickabhi’s demand of maintaining a large number of reconstructions. I believe github-pages + AnimCubeJS is a promising solution. You can create your own ‘database’ by simply forking this repo.
- C++ Program for OLL/PLL algorithm discovering
- Realistic Rendering of a Mirror Cube
Usage of
Install dependencies
$ pip install pillow
$ pip install VkInline
VkInline requires Win64/Linux64 with Vulkan enabled GPU driver.
Basic example
import glm
from RubikNotes import RubiksCube, PerspectiveView, TopView
# Create a Rubik's cube state holder
cube = RubiksCube()
Execute a sequence to change the state of the cube
Single-layer: RLUDFB
Dual-layer: rludfb
Whole-cube rotate: xyz
Middle Slice: EMS
Counterclockwise: add an apostrophe R'L'U'...
Rotate twice: add a '2' R2 L2 R'2
Setting parameter reverse=True will reverse the execution. This would be helpful if you are making an illustration for a tutorial.
Create a perspective-viewing renderer
Setting parameter fn_skin will change the texture of the cube. It can be any image file.
p_view = PerspectiveView()
# Setting a camera, resolution 512x512, fovy = 45deg, looking from (8,6,10) to (0,-0.5,0)
p_view.set_camera(512, 512, 45, glm.lookAt(glm.vec3(8.0,6.0,10.0), glm.vec3(0.0,-0.5,0.0), glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)))
# Render the cube in perspective view
p_view.render(cube, 'perspective.png')
# Create a top-viewing renderer
t_view = TopView()
# Set resolution to 512x512, this one is always a square.
Render the cube in top view
Setting parameter up_face_only=True will turn all faces except for the upper face into grey.
t_view.render(cube, 'top.png')
Sequence rendering
RubikNotes allows you to render a sequence of movement as a single image.
import glm
from RubikNotes import RubiksCube, PerspectiveView, TopView
cube = RubiksCube()
cube.exec_seq("(RU'U')(R2'FRF')U2(R'FRF')", reverse=True)
p_view = PerspectiveView()
p_view.set_camera(256, 256, 45, glm.lookAt(glm.vec3(8.0,6.0,10.0), glm.vec3(0.0,-0.5,0.0), glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)))
cube.render_seq(p_view, "(RU'U')(R2'FRF')U2(R'FRF')", filename="full.png")
To reduce the image size, optionally, movements can be grouped by the brackets, then render the states after each group of movements.
import glm
from RubikNotes import RubiksCube, PerspectiveView, TopView
cube = RubiksCube()
cube.exec_seq("(RU'U')(R2'FRF')U2(R'FRF')", reverse=True)
p_view = PerspectiveView()
p_view.set_camera(256, 256, 45, glm.lookAt(glm.vec3(8.0,6.0,10.0), glm.vec3(0.0,-0.5,0.0), glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)))
cube.render_seq(p_view, "(RU'U')(R2'FRF')U2(R'FRF')", filename="grouped.png", grouped = True)
Consider it as public domain.